Sunday, January 20, 2013

An Open Letter to a Soda Pop (or more accurately, a soda pop maker)

Dear Coca-Cola Company/Makers of Fanta
I grew up in rural Kentucky drinking Nehi soda and Kool-Aid. Needless to say, from an early age, I formed the opinion that orange beverages were indeed not supposed to taste like oranges. As I grew older, I abandoned Nehi for Fanta, which still did not taste like oranges, but seemed less ghetto than Nehi and led to me getting made fun of far less often. I didn't really care for either. I didn't dislike Fanta, or orange soda in general for that matter, I'd drink it on occaison for a welcome change from cola, but alas, it's un-orange taste wasn't something I really desired. 

That is until the summer I went to Iceland. One bright July night, I dropped into a 10-11 parched, dehydrated, and desperately seeking a cold beverage. I paid an exorbient amount for a Fanta, unscrewed the cap, placed the bottle to my lips and quickly exclaimed loudly to the streets of Reykjavik, "HOLY MOTHER OF GOD IT TASTES LIKE ORANGE JUICE!!"

I became obsessed with this near-orgasmic liquid. I couldn't get enough of it. I consumed at least 4-6 Fantas a day. Fanta replaced my juice at breakfast. It quenched my thrists after long days of rafting or missing the ferry. I paired it with 2am hot dogs for a heavenly, but wholy unhealthy "4th meal." I even mixed it with vodka for the most divine of cocktails. Indeed, I was in love.

I returned to the United States with the hope that orange soda was changed for the good, that there had been some change in the un-orange soda recipe of yesteryear. I stopped in at my local gas station, bought a Fanta and was sadly met, yet again, with the disapointing un-orange taste I'd grown up with. So, Coca-Cola Company/Makers of Fanta, my question to you is this: Why it gotta be like that?

Seriously, I realize that Fanta is a European creation and that this probably earns the Europeans some higher status in the Fanta heirarchy, and moreover the majority of Americans are slobs that have no sense of taste and will eat anything and everything put in front of them. But really, it's just not fair to the rest of us Americans who know better, who've tasted better. We're left scouring desperately for something, anything, remotely like the carbonated orange bliss we once came to love in the EU. We spend long days at natural markets buying overpriced bottles of sparkling clementine juice (which, I might add, does NOT compare to the exquisite bubbly flavor of Fanta) and make 2 hour road trips to international markets to pay $3.79 for a mere 1 liter of Fanta imported from Ireland. But it could be so simple. If only you'd bottle the flavor sensation that our European comrades enjoy with such ease, for sale here in the US. So, really, Coca-Cola/Makers of Fanta, what's the deal? What's the problem? Why can't I have the carbonated delicacy I crave? Why do you discriminate against us 'Mercans? Why it gotta be like that?
Rachel C.

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